Star Trek: The Original Series Movies (WIP)

Love these movies so much; The Voyage Home was one of those movies that I saw and knew only a couple of scenes in that I definitely needed to procure a DVD copy of it immediately. Truly so obsessed with everything that film had to offer, but before I get to that, I'll pause to give the rest of the films a brief mention here and there as I work through the series of them!

Star Trek: The Motion Picture was a fun watch. I've seen it described as the one film in this series that feels most like an actual Episode of The Original Series, and I think that's accurate. It manages to be interesting in both a Plot sense while also having a lot of good Character tension -- it's compelling to watch Kirk interact with the Enterprise and its newer crew (Decker in particular) and have to take those moments to wonder if he really has spent too much time out of the Captain's chair, and it's just as much fun to get those little moments of reuniting with the Enterprise's original crew (I'm especially a big fan of McCoy and Kirk's interaction when McCoy first beams on board, the sort of resigned frustration when Bones realizes that Kirk fully drafted him just to make sure he'd be on his crew again lol). V-ger as a villain is So interesting to me, and the reveal of its origins at the end is one of those plot points that made me crow out loud for how much fun it was (although I definitely have mixed feelings wrt the use of Ilia).

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan isn't my favorite movie, but it is the first one that really started to settle my resolve to one day own these movies on DVD. I am personally very fond of interpersonal dynamics and tension in media, so having Khan be a villain returning from a TOS episode with a specific grudge and resentment towards the main characters is exactly my kind of jam. The whole movie is a fun little romp, but the end of the film is what really sealed the deal for me. I loved the reintegration of the Kobayashi Maru test that had been a conversational thread throughout the whole movie, it's invocation in the Core was absolutely top tier. Kirk and Spock's entire interaction was an absolutely gut-wrenching scene, and I loved so much to watch it. It's one of those scenes where -- even if you haven't seen all of the TOS episodes leading up to that point -- you can absolutely feel the weight of the history between the characters, and it is Wonderfully written and performed.

Star Trek: The Search for Spock

Star Trek: The Voyage Home

Star Trek: The Final Frontier

Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country