Personal Notes & Commentary

single funniest bill and ted moment is when ted’s air guitar goes acoustic while he’s possessing his dad in bogus journey


watching face the music again and just realized that, even though bill and ted don’t know it, the chief logan in hell is “7 years in the future” chief logan, meaning that’s the dude they bring to the present with them and also that their chief logan presently has no awareness or intention of apologizing


there’s a lot of little inconsistencies between bill and ted 2&3 so i doubt any one had particular thought put into it, but my favorite will still be that people get sent straight to hell now Specifically because bill and ted melvined death when he met them where they died


every future version of ted having facial hair just confirms my theory that he’s only clean-shaven during the ‘present’ events of the movie bc he shaved for missy’s wedding

All the pics of him in the intro montage Also have facial hair. Also think he dresses like that bc he's nervous about couples therapy and wants to make a good first impression; cause none of his future selves wear 'professional attire' either.


absolutely in love with the fact that billie and thea AND bill and ted all bow to be polite like. lol wonder where they got that from


WAIT; also very funny to me that bill and ted, when going back in time to set shit up for their fight with denomolos, give the dude a key and a gun just for the thrill of fucking with him


*thinkin about how Oats grabs Ted by the back of the neck and forces him to make eye-contact and the first thing Ted does as soon as he’s able to is meet eyes with Bill instead