At the bottom of this page there is a checklist of items
needed to make a Bill costume.
Let's start with the shirt. In Excellent
Adventure, Bill wears a sweatshirt, but it doesn't look very much like
one! You need to make a few alterations to get the right look.
First, find an old gray sweatshirt . . . since you're going to cut it up you
might want to shop in thrift stores such as Salvation Army and Goodwill (in
fact, most of the clothes are best found at these types of stores . . . you
won't want to spend a lot of money for the right look!). The shirt should
fit somewhat loose on you, but not too much! The neck should be high
around the neck, but not turtle neck. No V-necks or low collars.
You'll likely need to get a long-sleeved shirt but that's okay!
When you've found the right shirt, cut the sleeves off so
they only go down to above the elbow. Likewise cut the bottom of the shirt
so that it hangs just above your belly button. Your navel should show when
you wear the shirt! Don't worry of you don't cut it exactly straight, it
doesn't have to look neat! In fact it should look a bit ragged.
Now, turn the sweatshirt inside out. Yes, inside out,
so the fuzzy inside is on the outside! Now cut or tear a small hole in the
front which will be just below your left nipple (when worn). See
photo below for how this should look.

Now comes the fun part. Get some felt
tip pens . . . red and black should be fine. You can use ball point as
well, but it will be a lot more work. On the seam below the left shoulder
(when worn) use the red felt pen and just trace that seam from the collar to the
Next you'll want to write B. PRESTON on the
back of the shirt on the collar (see photo below for how this should
look). You'll also want to draw the Wyld Stallyn's logo on the back right
shoulder (when worn). Again see the photo below to see how this should
look. There's also a photograph of the Wyld Stallyn so you can use that as
a guide when drawing it.

Let's move on to the shirt Bill wears over
the top of his altered sweatshirt (although most of the time he wears it around
his waist, the sleeves tied in a knot in front).
This shirt should be a light, long sleeved
shirt, somewhat loose fitting. A cotton or polyester fabric is best,
although flannel will work as well. It should either be blue or purple (as
you can see from the pictures below it looks different colors in different
light, but it is in fact a light purple). Because it's practically
impossible to find the same fabric and pattern used in the movie, you will
probably have to settle for something that looks enough like it. The exact
pattern and color don't matter, the style is more important. It should be
somewhat loose fitting on you but not long (the sleeves can be rolled up,
however) and it should button up the front. When looking for these kind of
clothes, thrift stores can be terrific!

Let's move on to the pants now. Here's where you will
definitely want to check out thrift stores, as you're going to be pretty rough
with these! Bill wears worn out blue jeans. If you have an old pair
of jeans around that you don't care much about, that will work great.
Otherwise, check the second hand shops and find a beat up old pair. They
should be straight legged (no flairs, folks!) They should also wear loose
on you . . . the waist should sag down and not fit tightly and the legs should
be slightly long on you as you will want to roll them up! The color
shouldn't be terrifically faded but they should be light blue, preferably from
wear and wash.
When you've found just the right pair, get out your
scissors. Cut a hole that will be right over your left knee (when
worn). It works best if you start the hole with scissors but then rip it
if you can. See the photo below for how this should look.

Did you keep the felt pens handy?
Good! Imagine you're Bill sitting in history class and feeling
bored. To pass the time you doodle on anything available . . . including
your pant's leg! On the left leg (when worn) draw an upside down question
mark in black felt pen. Then fill it in with the red pen. It should
be above the hole you've ripped (or if you prefer to draw the mark first and
then tear the pants that's fine). See the photo below for how this should

Now this is something I can't confirm . . . I can't
even seem to find a good photo to bear this out, but I'm fairly positive Bill
also has a tic tac toe drawn lightly on his right left pant's leg above the
knee, as if he were bored and playing during class. Whether or not you
want to draw a tic tac toe on the right leg is up to you.
Now on to the boxer shorts. The waist
of Bill's jeans ride so low his boxer shorts always show above them, so it's
important to wear boxers (no briefs! ; ) You should try to find a
patterned pair, preferably with blue dots or squares or similar. Now in
this case it's probably best NOT to buy these in a second hand shop! You
should be able to find a pair pretty reasonably in a discount store.

On to the feet! Bill's socks don't really show, so
you can wear simple white tube socks. For shoes, find a pair of slightly
worn white sneakers and the finishing touch . . . red shoelaces! See the
below photo for reference to how these should look.
Update: according to
ChucksConnection.com, Bill and Ted both wear Converse All Star "Chuck
Taylor" canvas basketball shoes. For more information on
"Chucks" than you could ever hope to want, click here.

Finally, Bill wears what are often called
Friendship Bracelets on his right wrist. You can be somewhat creative here
and use leather or plastic ones, but there should be several rings either
way. Check the photo below to get an idea of what to look for.

Now this brings us to one of the things that makes Bill so
. . . Bill, and that's his hair. This can be tricky if you aren't
naturally blessed with short curly blonde locks! I personally have blonde
hair but it's long and straight. What I did was go and buy a wig which was
about as close as I could come to Bill's hair. Unfortunately most wigs
that you can find that don't cost an arm and a leg are made for women, of
course, and while it wasn't bad it did tend to make me look more like Harpo Marx
than Bill (and no, no photos, I'm too embarrassed!). So whether or not you
want to seek out such a wig or just make do with your own hair is up to
you. If you do want to get a wig, check local wig shops or surf online to
find wig distributors for different styles. If you go to a shop you might
want to take a picture of Bill with you so you can show them what look you're
trying to achieve.
of items you'll need to make Bill's costume:
Light gray sweatshirt (worn)
Long sleeved, patterned light fabric shirt
Pale blue jeans (worn)
Patterned boxer shorts
White sneakers (worn, if possible)
Red Shoelaces
Friendship bracelets (several)
Blonde curly wig (optional!)
Red and black felt pens
Have fun!!!!