I'm not usually much of a blog person, but I have enough thoughts on this little series of mine that I thought it might actually warrant one for once. These pages are still largely under construction: I have thoughts about what I'm doing, but still need to actually settle down and iron out some of the wrinkles (Currently dwelling on: Color choices, the background, the navigation of the Writing page, etc). I have a lot of things I want to create for this series, but I keep getting a little ahead of myself because my brain has been moving faster than the rest of me can work LOL, I keep thinking I have more done than I do in reality. That's life sometimes. Today I'm planning on focusing on adding some more images to the main index page; I want to fill the sidebar with things, but haven't necessarily decided what yet, and am currently working on a kind of intro illustration for the splash page :3c. Come to think of it, I'll probably also use this blog page to post WIPs... I'll need to get better about image compression if that's the case -- my site is currently hovering just below the 50% storage filled mark as it stands. I'm planning to delete some bulk here and there, or I was before I got distracted away from site organization to revamping this page in particular, but it's still a good habit to try to get into probably.