I'm Not Supposed to Say "I Love You" (Or, as I have begun to shorten it, "I Like You, Too") is a little universe I have built in my mind for my two beloved original characters Augustus and the Changeling. I have long been a writer of fanfiction, but very recently have felt myself a little frustrated by not being able to write the kinds of characters/stories that I wanted, because of source material/canon restraints, and finally decided that meant it was about time I took intitiative and created the characters I wanted to see in the world.
There's not a particular plot to follow in this little universe; I suppose it might be fitting to call it a Slice of Life type story? In my head, I have found myself describing it primarily as a love letter to Cringey Autustic Losers in their Late-Twenties/Early-Thirties, written by a cringey autistic loser in its mid/late-twenties. A place where autistic adults who still live with their parents, have a tendency to panic at the idea of going to a grocery store, and can't mask their autistic traits for anything can make a space for themselves, and each other, where they are accepted, loved, and appreciated for exactly who they are. It's been very fun to work on, and a particular kind of freeing and exciting to be able to write about characters so much like myself -- I'm really glad I decided to step out of my comfort zone a bit to work on it!!
You can meet Augustus and the Changeling below!! A little further down, you can see some of the stories that I have written about them, and at the bottom of the page is a little gallery of artwork that I have done so far.
This page is something of a Homepage for the series as a whole. I do also have a tumblr I made for the series -- @changelingeyes -- where you can find some more off-the-cuff short form thoughts and notes about the characters. There is also an ArchiveOfOurOwn account for the writing I have done. If you have given this little 'verse a look over and liked what you saw and read, I'd really appreciate you dropping by there to leave a kudos or a comment!
(This section and its pages are still definitely under construction!)