remember to look behind you

Jay’s Twitter Account

Trying to navigate backlogs on Twitter is kind of a pain, not to mention that the twitter material has already been temporarily lost before due to a hack, so I'm creating an archive of it all here. Also so that I can look through it without having to deal with the twitter pop-up demanding i make an account bothering me while I read.






Season One

Saturday, June 21, 2009:
  • Jay creates the @marblehornets Twitter account.
  • 10:48 PM: Due to interest in the youtube channel, set up a twitter account. Updates posted here.
  • 10:48 PM: Introduction:
  • 10:49 PM: Entry #1:
  • 10:49 PM: Entry #2:
  • 10:50 PM: Been looking at tapes all day. Nothing interesting so I'm calling it a night.
Monday, June 22, 2009:
  • 1:40 PM: More tapes, more of the same.
  • 9:14 PM: Just realized I haven't eaten all day. Taking a much needed break.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009:
  • 1:37 AM: Exhausted from compiling entry #3. Posting it tomorrow.
  • 1:40 PM: Entry #3:
  • 3:48 PM: Feeling very disorganized.
  • 5:50 PM: I have to stop watching these tapes for today. Thinking I'll go outside.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009:
  • 7:39 PM: Nothing new to report today. Went through a good number of tapes, but they revealed nothing.
Thursday, June 25, 2009:
  • 3:05 AM: Found something. Will post it tomorrow. For now I need some sleep.
  • 4:54 PM: Entry 4:
Friday, June 26, 2009:
  • 9:50 PM: Nothing today. I'll keep looking.
Monday, June 29, 2009:
  • 11:38 AM: Found something new. Will be posting it later today.
  • 9:24 PM: Have not forgotten. Entry #5 will be up shortly. I don't like watching it.
  • 11:24 PM: Entry #5:
Wednesday, July 1, 2009:
  • 9:01 PM: Not seeing any more tearing or distortion. At least I know what to look for now.
Saturday, July 4, 2009:
  • 2:22 AM: Possible match to entry #1. Uploading asap.
  • 4:17 AM: Entry #6:
Monday, July 6, 2009:
  • 10:19 PM: Found something unexpectedly.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009:
  • 9:57 PM: I will be uploading Entry #7 soon.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009:
  • 12:26 AM: Entry #7:
Sunday, July 12, 2009:
  • 9:48 PM: Had been taking time off from the tapes. Entry #8 will be posted soon.
  • 10:39 PM: Entry #8:
Thursday, July 16, 2009:
  • 3:30 PM: Slow going again.
Sunday, July 19, 2009:
  • 6:33 PM: Found another marble hornets raw footage tape. Will be posting it soon.
  • 7:52 PM: Entry #9:
  • 7:57 PM: Exhausted.
Thursday, July 23, 2009:
  • 2:27 AM: Finding it harder to sleep lately.
  • 3:31 AM: Very strange video response to Entry #9 from "totheark". Not sure what it's trying to say.
Sunday, July 26, 2009:
  • 8:00 PM: Very sick. 104 fever. Need to sleep instead of looking through the tapes.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009:
  • 1:22 PM: Feeling better now. Back to the tapes.
  • 6:00 PM: Entry #10:
Sunday, August 2, 2009:
  • 9:53 PM: Agreeing with others. The video response "operator" sounds like some of the missing audio. Maybe from entry 10?5
Monday, August 3, 2009:
  • 2:21 PM: Moving soon. Need to take my mind off the tapes for a day or two.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009:
  • 8:48 PM: Will be without internet access until the 10th once I'm completely moved in. If I see anything new, I will find a way to upload it.
Sunday, August 9, 2009:
  • 8:02 PM: Entry #11 will be uploaded soon.
  • 10:10 PM: Entry #11:
Tuesday, August 11, 2009:
  • 12:23 AM: Feeling sick again.
  • 8:12 PM: totheark has responded again. It's getting kind of unnerving.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009:
  • 11:17 PM: Still out here. Still searching through the tapes.
Thursday, August 27, 2009:
  • 10:13 PM: Been sick for the past week. Still looking for entry 12.
Saturday, August 29, 2009:
  • 10:07 PM: Entry 12 will be posted soon.
  • 10:32 PM: Entry #12:
Monday, August 31, 2009:
  • 10:41 PM: Waiting to see if totheark does anything.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009:
  • 7:44 PM: As expected, totheark responds:
Tuesday, September 10, 2009:
  • 12:20 PM: The latest tape has me in it, watching it very carefully.
Wednesday, September 11, 2009:
  • 12:31 AM: Entry #13:
  • 3:01 PM : For those asking, I did go to the doctor the other day. Couldn't find anything wrong with me.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009:
  • 12:18 AM: very unnerved by totheark's response:
Thursday, September 17, 2009:
  • 5:52 PM: It was ~3 years ago, so my memory of entry 13 is a little fuzzy. Though I do remember going to get a battery out of Alex's car.
  • 5:52 PM: Definitely never noticed anyone filming me do so.
Saturday, September 19, 2009:
  • 1:22 PM: Could not sleep at all last night. Shaking. Thinking of going back to the doctor again.
Monday, September 21, 2009:
  • 2:03 PM: Getting back to the tapes.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009:
  • 12:19 PM: Entry 14 found. Will post it by the end of the day.
  • 5:54 PM: Entry #14:
  • 10:59 PM: Getting the same question a lot. Nothing of interest happened in the 32 minutes. Just the camera pointed at the door.
Saturday, September 26, 2009:
  • 6:57 PM: totheark responds:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009:
  • 1:43 AM: Getting swarmed. If you want to contact me, please do not do so through AIM.6
Friday, October 2, 2009:
  • 1:39 AM: Managed to arrange a meeting with one of the MH actors tomorrow.
  • 2:31 PM: Entry #15 should be up by the end of the day.
Saturday, October 3, 2009:
  • 1:35 AM: Sorry for the delay. #15 will be up soon.
  • 11:05 AM: Entry #15-
Sunday, October 11, 2009:
  • 11:18 PM: Still around. Still looking for some kind of lead.
Friday, October 16, 2009:
  • 12:40 AM: Entry #16 posted soon.
  • 1:01 PM: Youtube apparently having uploading problems. Entry #16 will be up as soon as it's fixed.
  • 2:36 AM: Entry #16:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009:
  • 12:45 PM: Totheark is MOCKING me:
Thursday, October 29, 2009:
  • 4:43 PM: Been out of it all week. Trying to look through more videos.
Sunday, November 1, 2009:
  • 6:08 PM: Found something very disturbing for me in the tapes today. Posting it to youtube as soon as I can.
Monday, November 2, 2009:
  • 2:09 AM: Entry #17:
  • 2:10 AM: Going to try and get some sleep now. But I doubt that will happen after all I've seen today.
Thursday, November 5, 2009:
  • 11:53 AM: totheark responds:
  • 11:53 AM: Starting to reconsider going back to that house.
Friday, November 6, 2009:
  • 10:46 AM: The general consensus is that I should go back to the house. So I'm trying to work out a day to go. Another doctor appointment soon.
Monday, November 9, 2009:
  • 12:00 AM: Going back to the house tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009:
  • 10:45 AM: Just got back. Going to try and get some sleep then I'll put the video on youtube.
  • 9:31 PM: Next entry will be up in about 30 minutes.
  • 10:48 PM: Entry #18:
Friday, November 13, 2009:
  • 2:05 PM: totheark usually responds by now.
Saturday, November 21, 2009:
  • 2:35 AM: This past week has been bad.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009:
  • 3:51 PM: I have Entry #19. It should be on youtube tomorrow unless something happens. Which it could. I don't really know anymore.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009:
  • 9:03 PM: Entry #19:
Saturday, November 28, 2009:
  • 5:41 PM: Still holed up here.
  • 5:44 PM: Also, for some reason I keep getting asked my real name. It's Jay. You've all been right from the beginning.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009:
  • 5:04 PM: totheark responds:
  • 8:51 PM: The response has to be during entry 19. I wasn't wearing those clothes the last time I was at the house:
  • 9:05 PM: No, that was the first time I was at the house when totheark made that response. All of my memories are getting completely mixed up now.
  • 9:11 PM: Still haven't left the house. Running out of tapes to look through.
Monday, December 7, 2009:
  • 12:50 PM: Found something. So tired though.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009:
  • 12:58 PM: Entry #19.5 will be posted sometime today.
Thursday, December 10, 2009:
  • 4:32 PM: A lot of people are thinking "the tower" could be the red tower both Alex and I saw during Entry #5. That's the most solid lead so far.
  • 4:52 PM: I think I remember where the tower is located. Going to try and find it on a satellite map soon.
  • 8:51 PM: - Found it.
Monday, December 14, 2009:
  • 12:58 AM: I've decided to go to that red tower. In the daytime, of course. Not sure when, though. I'm running out of food here.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009:
  • 1:21 PM: Found what may be the last of the clips from the tapes. Will post Entry #20 later today.
  • 8:41 PM: Entry #20:
Wednesday, December 16, 2009:
  • 1:14 PM: It's very difficult to tell who's operating the camera in #20. Alex would probably make do with whoever he had, so it could be anyone.
Friday, December 18, 2009:
  • 1:44 AM: Most have probably already noticed, but totheark responds:
  • 1:44 AM: Going to the red tower asap.
  • 3:35 AM: Caused some confusion with the last update. Not going to the red tower NOW. Probably in a couple of days.
Sunday, December 20, 2009:
  • 3:53 PM: Going to the red tower tomorrow.
Monday, December 21, 2009:
  • 12:46 PM: Leaving now.
  • 1:26 PM: -
  • 1:55 PM: - Kind of strange seeing other people.
  • 2:21 PM: - Almost there.
  • 2:30 PM: - Road to the trail is fenced off. Guess I'm walking.
  • 2:46 PM: At the beginning of the trail. Getting my camera ready.
  • 2:57 PM: -
  • 3:01 PM: Cell phone camera is getting interference. Video camera is alright for now.
  • 3:09 PM: Phone signal almost gone. Have to cross a small creek and I'm at the tower. Filming when I get across.
  • 3:26 PM: -
  • 3:44 PM: jBdzj!zö&&+555n?21
  • 4:27 PM: Walking back to my car. Getting dark fast.
  • 4:46 PM: Have a good signal again. Almost back to my car I think.
  • 4:57 PM: Back to the car. Couldn't remember the way back for a moment.
  • 6:25 PM: Will be posting Entry #21 tonight.
  • 8:03 PM: Uploading video now.
  • 8:49 PM: Entry #21:
  • 9:05 PM: Something important has to be on this tape. I just have the feeling I won't like it.
  • 10:04 PM: Just noticed the "jBdzj!zö&&+555n?21" update. It originally said "found something". No idea what happened to it.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009:
  • 2:19 AM: The footage on this tape is too much for me right now. I have to go to bed.
  • 5:20 PM: I'll be posting the tape, in its entirety, later tonight.
  • 7:55 PM: Don't want to upload the footage. But it needs to be somewhere in case something happens to the tape. Or me.
  • 10:59 PM: Entry #22:
Wednesday, December 23, 2009:
  • 7:16 PM: Quick reminder to please refrain from contacting me via AIM. It's too hectic. Trying to keep everyone as updated as I can with twitter.
Sunday, December 27, 2009:
  • 1:42 PM: Still waiting to see if totheark does anything.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009:
  • 1:57 PM: Not sure why totheark has been so quiet. I may be on my own for a while.
Thursday, January 7, 2010:
  • 12:58 AM: Beginning to think the only choice I have is going back to the house.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010:
  • 11:11 AM: totheark responds:
  • 11:11 AM: I don't like the fact that it says "us" in the video.
Saturday, January 16, 2010:
  • 2:03 AM: Have been trying to sleep for a while. No luck.
  • 1:26 PM: totheark responds twice:
  • 1:29 PM: Returning to the house yet again seems to be the only option. Going in the daytime no matter what.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010:
  • 11:55 AM: Going back this week.
Monday, January 25, 2010:
  • 3:24 PM: Beginning to lose track of days now. Decided to return to the house Wednesday.
Thursday, January 28, 2010:
  • 11:28 AM: How did I get here
  • 11:34 AM: Trying to get the footage off the camera. Entry #23 later tonight I hope. Head feels liquefied.
  • 10:41 PM: Entry #23 will be uploaded in about 20 minutes.
Friday, January 29, 2010:
  • 12:03 AM: Fixed the problem. 17 minutes to go.
  • 12:33 AM: Entry #23:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010:
  • 10:39 AM: I have felt completely functionless since quitting.
Monday, February 8, 2010:
  • 8:45 PM: I know that totheark responded. I just don't want to acknowledge it anymore.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010:
  • 3:12 PM: Considering boarding up my windows. Still feeling incredibly unsafe here.
Saturday, February 13, 2010:
  • 9:51 AM: Looking through some surveillance footage. Not sure what I'll find. I feel like I just have know one more time what's been going on.
  • 3:22 PM: Typo earlier. Still looking through the footage.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010:
  • 11:41 AM: Entry #24 will be posted later tonight.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010:
  • 1:53 AM: Entry #24:
Thursday, February 25, 2010:
  • 3:19 PM: Feeling like I'm being watched constantly
Tuesday, March 2, 2010:
  • 7:48 AM: Checked the latest surveillance footage again last night. Nothing unusual. Maybe Entry #24 was a camera glitch?
Saturday, March 6, 2010:
  • 11:23 AM: I did not post Entry ######.
  • 11:29 AM: Not sure what to think about it. Definitely considering getting out of here though.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010:
  • 1:31 AM: Left town after the last tweet. Staying at a hotel now.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010:
  • 7:27 PM: Something brought to my attention. Entry #25 later tonight.
Thursday, March 25, 2010:
  • 12:49 AM: Entry #25:
  • 12:50 AM: Note: The report itself seemed to have some sort of technical difficulties at the end. Unsure what caused it. Don't want to think about it.
Sunday, April 4, 2010:
  • 9:37 PM: - Received this text message from an unknown number.
Sunday, April 18, 2010:
  • 10:25 AM: If that text message I received a couple of weeks ago was a date, it's today. Changed my location since then.
  • 2:37 PM: Feeling more paranoid. The maid knocked on my door earlier and I almost had a heart attack.
  • 3:49 PM: I think I'm going to leave again soon, just to be safe.
  • 6:26 PM: About to leave.
  • 9:45 PM: Entry #26 will be posted later tonight.
Monday, April 19, 2010:
  • 2:59 AM: Entry #26:

Between Seasons One and Two

Wednesday, October 27, 2010:

  • 8:08 PM:
Sunday, October 31, 2010:
  • 10:50 PM:
Tuesday, November 16, 2010:
  • 7:55 PM:

Season Two

Tuesday, November 23, 2010:
  • 9:56 PM: Changed the password. I didn't post those pictures.
  • 11:20 PM: Entry #27 will be posted soon.
  • 11:51 PM: Entry #27:
Monday, November 29, 2010:
  • 6:44 AM: Still at the hotel. Can't sleep.
Thursday, December 2, 2010:
  • 11:01 PM: Entry #28 will be posted tomorrow. Right now I'm very tired.
Friday, December 3, 2010:
  • 9:45 PM: Found some possible leads. Entry #28 will be uploaded soon.
Saturday, December 11, 2010:
  • 10:24 AM: I've searched everywhere in the hotel room. The safe is the only lead I have right now. Need to figure out this code.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010:
  • 1:31 PM: Been so tired lately. I've slept for over 12 hours straight these past few days.
Thursday, December 16, 2010:
  • 12:45 PM: Stayed up all night looking at this footage. Going to sleep a while now. Entry #29 will be posted tonight.
  • 9:40 PM: Back up. Uploading 29 soon.
  • 10:11 PM: Entry #29:
Tuesday, December 21, 2010:
  • 8:49 AM: Some weird things happened last night. Entry #30 will be posted later today.
  • 11:20 PM: Entry #30 will be uploaded soon.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010:
  • 11:39 PM: Entry #30 is uploaded.
  • 1:52 AM: Entry #30:
Saturday, December 25, 2010:
  • 8:51 PM: Lonely holiday, but not as bad as last year. At least I didn't have to climb a rotting tower this time.
Sunday, December 26, 2010:
  • 12:24 PM: Looking for Entry #29's location this week. Who knows if it's even around here though.
Sunday, January 2, 2011:
  • 9:39 PM: I've been searching on and off all week. Entry #31 tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011:
  • 1:37 AM: Entry #31 will be uploaded in about 30 minutes.
  • 2:38 AM: Entry #31:
  • 3:00 AM: I said no to Jessica because I'm not 100% sure she's on my side yet. It was reflex.
  • 6:00 PM: A better quality version of entry #31 has been uploaded: , sorry about that.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011:
  • 9:12 PM: Entry #32 is being uploaded now.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011:
  • 10:57 PM: Entry #33 will be uploaded tonight.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011:
  • 1:06 AM: Entry #33:
Monday, February 7, 2011:
  • 2:24 PM: Looking through the tapes. I'm hoping I'll have something by tomorrow.
  • 2:25 PM: This feels all too familiar.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011:
  • 5:06 PM: The majority of the first bits of footage have just been me driving.
  • 5:07 PM: @_PirateGuy_ replies: @Marblehornets Maybe the place you're driving to has some significance? Or is it just day-to-day boring stuff?
  • 5:09 PM: Jay replies: @_PirateGuy_ I'm hoping it's significant. There's a lot of driving going on with few stops.
  • 8:18 PM: Found something promising. Entry #34 should be uploaded in about an hour.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011:
  • 5:00 PM: Fell asleep last night as the entry was uploading. Here's the link:
Friday, February 11, 2011:
  • 11:04 PM: Just brought to my attention:
  • 11:15 PM: I've been very paranoid about my location lately. Nowhere really feels safe.
Monday, February 14, 2011:
  • 5:04 PM: I was not expecting what I just found on these tapes. Can't decide if I should upload it or not.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011:
  • 1:28 AM: Going to try and sleep. If I decide to upload this stuff, it'll be tomorrow.
  • 8:16 PM: I've decided to post it. Entry #35 should be uploaded in about 30 minutes.
  • 8:33 PM: Youtube is in maintenance mode right now. It will probably be a little longer than I thought to upload.
  • 10:41 PM: Still in maintenance mode. Nothing I can do.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011:
  • 12:07 AM: Entry #35:
Thursday, February 17, 2011:
  • 11:55 PM: Note: Unless something major happens, all entries starting at 34 are taken from the tapes I found in the hotel safe, not the present.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011:
  • 5:46 PM: I've been waiting a couple of days to see if ToTheArk uploads a response to entry #35. So far, nothing.
Saturday, February 26, 2011:
  • 9:28 PM: Thanks to everyone who let me know about the ToTheArk response:
Sunday, February 27, 2011:
  • 12:04 AM: I definitely hear words on this video. Can't make out anything coherent right now, though.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011:
  • 8:41 PM: I think the tape from entry #35 was damaged when the camera was dropped. Spending tonight trying to fix it. More footage could be on it.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011:
  • 5:08 PM: Nothing was wrong with the tape itself, but I did find some corrupt footage on the end of it. Posting it as Entry #36 later today.
  • 9:42 PM: Entry #36:
Saturday, March 19, 2011:
  • 12:10 PM: Just now saw the ToTheArk response. Guess whoever it is knows Alex's phone number.
  • 12:13 PM: @Theeyeballkid tweets: @marblehornets I take it you got the coded "Lies" in the video.
  • 12:17 PM: Jay replies: @Theyeballkid I didn't see the numbers in the end until now. Thanks for saving me some time.
Sunday, March 20, 2011:
  • 1:05 PM: The last few tapes have just been of me driving around by myself. Where did Alex go?
Monday, March 21, 2011:
  • 12:37 AM: Found something that makes me not want to go through the rest of these tapes. Headache. Laying down for now. Uploading it tomorrow.
  • 9:18 PM: Trying to upload entry #37, but I can't sign in to youtube.
  • 9:43 PM: People that follow me: Is youtube letting you sign in?
  • 10:07 PM: Judging by the response, I'm the only one having this problem…
  • 10:42 PM: I may have temporarily forgotten my password.
  • 11:00 PM: I keep trying different ones but nothing's working.
  • 11:12 PM: Come on!
  • 11:31 PM: I've tried all the passwords I've ever used. None are working.
  • 11:46 PM: Why can't I remember!
  • 11:55 PM: I can't use the forgotten password feature because it's linked to aan old email address that I also don't remember the password of.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011:
  • 12:04 AM: I have the worst hheadache right now..
  • 12:14 AM: Keep thnking I'm hearing things.
  • 12:26 AM: .hea'ds poudning.
  • 12:29 AM: sllee pno.w
Wednesday, March 23, 2011:
  • 11:08 PM:
Tuesday, March 29, 2011:
  • 12:29 PM: Just woke up in my car, near the red tower. Don't remember how I got here. This is a long way from where I was.
  • 1:47 PM: The tapes aren't with me, and the footage I copied to my laptop has apparently been deleted. I need to get back. Fast.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011:
  • 1:26 PM: On my way back. I looked in the red tower again before leaving, but didn't find anything.
  • 1:39 PM: @brasilkid16 I was at a rest area charging my laptop. How is that bad planning?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011:
  • 1:57 PM: Entry #38:
  • 1:58 PM: I'm back. All the tapes and my camera are still here. So relieved.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011:
  • 10:50 PM: Uploading Entry #39 soon.
  • 11:28 PM: Entry #39:
Saturday, April 16, 2011:
  • 1:48 PM: Waiting to see if there's any response from ToTheArk.
Thursday, April 21, 2011:
  • 2:49 PM: Looks like I'll be getting nothing from ToTheArk again. I'm uneasy when it gets quiet like this.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011:
  • 6:51 PM: I saw the latest ToTheArk response a day or two after it was posted. Forgot to link it here.
  • 6:53 PM: Seeing that response has made me even more paranoid. As if I don't change locations enough already…
  • 10:38 PM: Entry #40 will be posted tonight.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011:
  • 12:58 AM: 40 is uploading to youtube. I really don't want to watch it again.
  • 1:42 AM: Entry #40:
Tuesday, May 24, 2011:
  • 2:27 PM: I've been avoiding continuing the tape from Entry 40, but I can't put it off forever. For all I know, there could be nothing left on it.
  • 2:33 PM: @BranRainey tweets: @marblehornets Maybe you should have been more open with Jessica. Letting somebody in on this could put it in perspective. Might've helped.
  • 2:39 PM: Jay replies: @BranRainey Maybe. Who knows where she is now, though.
  • 2:42 PM: Like clockwork, ToTheArk responded last week.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011:
  • 9:51 PM: Finished the Entry 40 tape. Something there that I don't like. Entry 41 will be uploaded soon.
  • 10:30 PM: Weird. Problem with the video I've never had before. Should be uploaded in about an hour or so.
Thursday, May 26, 2011:
  • 12:29 AM: Entry #41:
Wednesday, June 1, 2011:
  • 10:42 AM: No clue who that could have been in Entry #41. Why wasn't my car door locked?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
  • 1:45 PM: I doubt it was Tim in #41. It was only a week after Alex incapacitated him. No way he'd be walking by then.
  • 1:45 PM: @adf___ tweets: @marblehornets How do you know the timeframes if the tapes have no dates?
  • 1:49 PM: Jay replies: @adf___ The ones I found in the hotel safe are numbered (although a handful aren't). I also told Alex "It's been over a week" in Entry #39.
Friday, June 3, 2011:
  • 1:30 PM: ToTheArk's latest response:
  • 2:42 PM: @LeahsGotIt tweets: @marblehornets I thought you'd decided to leave it unlocked in case you needed to haul butt out of there in a hurry.
  • 3:38 PM: Jay replies: @LeahsGotIt That's possible, but I have a remote for it. It's not like I'd have to fumble with keys if I had to unlock the door in a hurry.
  • 1:38 PM: @raiiban tweets: @marblehornets post a new entry on how you are doing, been months since the last present day entry.
  • 3:41 PM: Jay replies: @raiiban I'm okay for the time being. I don't want to advertise my location too much.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011:
  • 1:12 PM: I had forgotten about the external hard drive I found in the hotel safe, I should be looking through it at the same time as these tapes.
Friday, June 10, 2011:
  • 12:10 AM: Entry #42:
Monday, June 20, 2011:
  • 3:52 PM: Can't believe this whole thing started two years ago. I never should have taken those original tapes from Alex.
  • 11:29 PM: ToTheArk has responded. Thanks again for letting me know when it updates.
Monday, June 27, 2011:
  • 2:12 PM: Trying to keep the footage from the tapes and the footage from the hard drive straight is getting confusing.
  • 9:03 PM: Things are looking very bad. Entry #43 will be uploaded in about an hour.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011:
  • 2:04 AM: Entry #43:
Friday, July 8, 2011:
  • 11:30 AM: ToTheArk response:
  • 11:34 AM: Those videos are so inconsistent. It's like they're being made by different people. No way I can prove that, though.
  • 11:37 AM: @SPLATspazz tweets: @marblehornets: J, how are you not the least bit concerned over where Alex is nowadays?
  • 11:43 PM: Jay replies: @SPLATspazz It's what I'm trying to figure out. The closer I feel I get, the more I feel I don't want to know.
  • 11:34 AM: @pivotshabz tweets: @marblehornets: Jay. We found this. You need to see. Don't let ToTheArk decide for you
  • 1:04 PM: Jay replies: @pivotshabz Did this come from ToTheArk?
  • 2:06 PM: @pivotshabz replies: @marblehornets I ran a Spectrogram on the sound in ToTheArk's latest video. That was the output. It occurs when the zeroes are on screen.
  • 2:18 PM: Jay replies: @pivotshabz Thanks for this. Not sure it's something I wanted to see, though…
Monday, July 11, 2011:
  • 10:09 AM: @BranRainey tweets: @marblehornets Jay, I know I'm like a year late on this, but why is there quiet music all through Entry #25? I've always wondered.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011:
  • 3:19 PM: Jay replies: @BranRainey There was no music playing at the time. I think you might be hearing the hum of the AC?
  • 3:23 PM: @BranRainey replies: @marblehornets Sorry, I meant Entry #24. It has really quiet music if you crank the volume.
  • 3:30 PM: Jay replies: @BranRainey Coming from the TV. I probably had it on for background noise. Otherwise the silence would make me think I was hearing things.
  • 3:20 PM: Continuing to look through the external hard drive. At least I'm not having to fumble with tapes very much right now.
Friday, July 15, 2011:
  • 2:05 PM: Stayed up all night looking through the external hard drive. Entry #44 will be posted tonight after I try to sleep.
  • 10:16 PM: Entry #44:
Saturday, July 16, 2011:
  • 3:35 PM: @LadySuccubusGod tweets: @marblehornets Was Alex awake when the Operator go by in the room the 1st time? I couldn't tell if he was blinking since it was kinda blury
  • 4:47 PM: Jay replies: @LadySuccubusGod Looks like his eyes are open to me.
Friday, July 22, 2011:
  • 6:28 PM: I don't know why I'm surprised to find footage from different cameras on the external hard drive. Makes sense Alex may have more than one.
Saturday, July 23, 2011:
  • 4:52 PM: Think I found something. If it's what I think it is, Entry 45 will be posted tonight.
  • 5:18 PM: @Nick22490 tweets: @marblehornets Did TTA respond to entry 44?
  • 5:20 PM: Jay replies: @Nick22490 Not yet, no. Don't know what to make of that.
  • 10:21 PM: Entry #45:
Sunday, July 31, 2011:
  • 1:31 AM: It's getting even harder to keep the footage from Alex and the footage from me straight.
Monday, August 1, 2011:
  • 9:39 PM: Finding a lot of footage of me tailing Alex without him knowing it.
  • 9:42 PM: @ItsMogkiKupo replies: @marblehornets sure about that? He might well have known, you know. Leading you into a trap. I don't trust him.
  • 9:42 PM: Jay replies: @ItsMogkiKupo Who knows. I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011:
  • 11:09 AM: Entry #46 will be posted later tonight.
  • 10:07 PM: Entry #46:
Wednesday, August 3, 2011:
  • 4:54 PM: By my reasoning, after Alex grabbed the tape from me, I took the key as I ran out just to have SOMETHING. Not 100% sure, of course.
Thursday, August 18, 2011:
  • 10:37 PM: Entry #47:
Thursday, August 25, 2011:
  • 2:33 PM: Having trouble sleeping again. More so than usual, I mean.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011:
  • 3:24 PM: There's a LOT of footage of me just tailing Alex. So far, it looks like he didn't notice me.
  • 3:26 PM: @ TjArvidsson replies: @marblehornets What's Alex up to while you're tailing him?
  • 3:28 PM: Jay replies: @TjArvidsson Nothing out of the ordinary, from what I can tell. Kind of frustrating to watch.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011:
  • 9:57 PM: I've put a few things together. Entry #48 will be uploaded before I try and get some sleep tonight.
Thursday, September 1, 2011:
  • 12:13 AM: The upload to youtube is going strangely slow. Probably about 30 minutes to go.
  • 1:21 AM: Entry #48:
  • 2:01 PM: Starting to look through Alex's footage from when I was following him.
  • 2:07 PM: I'm pretty sure it's a camera bag that Alex was carrying around, but that doesn't guarantee there's a camera in it.
  • 3:22 PM: @thor9356 tweets: @marblehornets Jay have you given thought to contacting Jessica again? You have her number now and besides we don't know what happen to her.
  • 3:46 PM: Jay replies: @thor9356 I've tried many, many times. No answer.
  • 8:48 PM: ToTheArk responds. It's never been this fast before, as far as I remember.
Friday, September 2, 2011:
  • 1:10 PM: Finished looking through Alex's footage in the park. I don't want to share what I've seen.
Monday, September 5, 2011:
  • 11:59 PM: Been thinking about it, and it might be best if I upload what happened in the park. Just in case anything happens to me one day.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011:
  • 12:00 AM: But right now I'm feeling really exhausted. Entry #49 will be uploaded tomorrow.
  • 11:32 PM: Entry #49 is uploaded.
  • 11:33 PM: Entry #49 will be uploaded in about 30 minutes.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011:
  • 1:56 AM: Entry #49:
Thursday, September 8, 2011:
  • 2:38 PM: Looking for any reports of a missing person around the area and time Entry #49 took place.
Friday, September 9, 2011:
  • 7:06 PM: So far, I've found absolutely nothing about a missing person. I feel like I've looked everywhere, too.
  • 7:10 PM: @punxtr replies: @marblehornets maybe he was homeless man that knew the park very well?
  • 3:46 PM: Jay replies: @punxtr It's possible, but he doesn't really look homeless to me.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011:
  • 1:56 PM: STILL nothing on a missing person. I can't figure it out.
Monday, September 26, 2011:
  • 2:18 PM: Giving up on finding missing person reports. Getting back to the tapes.
  • 2:20 PM: @MrSkolVikes28 tweets: @marblehornets You ever find the tape to finish what was happening in Entry #38? It seemed like it would be very important.
  • 2:26 PM: Jay replies: @MrSkolVikes28 That's what I'm hoping to find soon. There's not that many tapes left.
  • 2:26 PM: @GreyouTT tweets: @marblehornets Maybe the man's death has already been confirmed. And his case has been closed.
  • 2:27 PM: Jay replies: @GreyouTT Then wouldn't there be a news story about it somewhere at least? I can't find anything..
  • 2:30 PM: @GreyouTT replies: @marblehornets Have you checked the Obituaries in old newspapers?
  • 2:27 PM: Jay replies: @GreyouTT Yes, I've checked everything. Found nothing.
Thursday, September 29, 2011:
  • 6:26 PM: Think I may have found what came before the unlabeled footage in Entry #38.
  • 10:41 PM: There's a lot here to get through. Entry #50 will be posted tomorrow.
Friday, September 30, 2011:
  • 11:43 PM: Entry #50 is having some rendering problems. It will be uploaded in about an hour and a half, I think.
Saturday, October 1, 2011:
  • 1:50 AM: Entry #50:
Monday, October 10, 2011:
  • 3:54 PM: Really paranoid. Had to change my location after I woke up with my hotel room door standing wide open. Nothing seems to be missing, though.
  • 4:42 PM: Finally have a chance to look through the mass of tapes for the 56-42 label.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011:
  • 4:10 PM: Found it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011:
  • 12:47 AM: Entry #51 will be posted tonight, but I'm not sure how soon.
  • 3:33 AM: Video problems again. Great. I'm going to hold off on uploading Entry 51 until tomorrow. Too tired to keep waiting.
  • 11:27 PM: Entry #51:
Monday, October 31, 2011:
  • 1:45 PM: Almost to the last tape. Been moving around so much lately.
Monday, November 7, 2011:
  • 1:19 PM: On the last tape now.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011:
  • 12:37 AM: Making a trip to somewhere I never thought I'd go back to.
  • 12:59 PM: Still driving. I'm going to try and have Entry #52 uploaded tomorrow night.
  • 4:13 PM: Finally here. I'm going to have a look around while it's still light out.
Friday, November 11, 2011:
  • 12:03 AM: Entry #52 should be uploaded in about an hour.
  • 12:57 AM: Got delayed. Gonna give it another hour.
  • 2:02 AM: Having serious computer issues. Uploading will have to wait until tomorrow. Too tired to keep trying.
  • Saturday, November 12, 2011:
    • 10:45 PM: Entry #52:
    • 11:23 PM: Typo in entry #52. I'll reupload it tomorrow fixed.
    Sunday, November 13, 2011:
    • 11:14 AM: A corrected version of Entry #52 is uploaded.
    • 12:51 PM: Entry #52 has been reuploaded with the typo fixed:

    Between Seasons Two and Three

    Monday, November 28, 2011:
    • 9:55 AM: No sign of Tim as of right now. Still in the downtown area.
    Saturday, December 10, 2011:
    • 4:10 PM: I've been sleeping much too well recently. It's an odd change of pace.
    • 4:18 PM: @BraveDave88 replies: @marblehornets Surely a good sign though?
    • 4:25 PM: Jay replies: @BraveDave88 I'm not going to say anything for sure.
    Saturday, January 7, 2012:
    • 1:39 PM: Getting back out there today. Maybe I'll ask some people around downtown if they've seen anyone that looks like Tim.
    Sunday, January 8, 2012:
    • 12:04 AM: No luck today. Maybe there will be more people there tomorrow.
    • 8:42 PM: No luck again. Maybe Tim isn't a regular around here and it was just a lucky coincidence that I saw him when I did?
    Tuesday, January 10, 2012:
    • 3:49 PM: Going to look outside of the downtown area soon. There is still Rosswood park, but I'm not going there alone.
    • 4:06 PM: @SwagBruceington replies: @marblehornets Who would you go with?!
    • 4:26 PM: Jay replies: @SwagBruceington That's the problem. I don't trust anyone.
    Thursday, January 12, 2012:
    • 2:21 PM: Drove by Rosswood Park today. Almost stopped, but then I realized that's a terrible idea. Why did I even consider it?
    Friday, January 13, 2012:
    • 12:21 PM: Couldn't sleep last night. First time that's happened in a while.
    • 12:23 PM: @msmarvelli replies: @marblehornets did you have any weird dreams or nightmares?
    • 12:35 PM: Jay replies: @msmarvelli Don't think so. Can't really remember though.
    Tuesday, January 17, 2012:
    • 4:24 PM: Didn't sleep for the entire weekend. Feeling dead.
    • 5:52 PM: @poristhead tweets: @marblehornets when are you gonna post entry #53?
    • 6:14 PM: Jay replies: @poristhead Whenever something happens worth putting on the channel.
    Friday, January 20, 2012:
    • 4:08 PM: There has to be somewhere around here that Tim would frequent.
    Sunday, January 22, 2012:
    • 1:41 PM: This place is the epitome of a small town. Almost everything is closed on Sundays.
    Tuesday, January 24, 2012:
    • 1:38 PM: Back in the downtown area. The store that Tim walked out of when I saw him is always closed when I'm here. No hours posted either.
    Saturday, January 28, 2012:
    • 12:31 PM: Store's still closed. I looked through the window, and it seemed like an antique store of some kind?
    Tuesday, January 31, 2012:
    • 1:18 PM: Accidentally slept late today. I think I'm going to try and go back to that store really early soon and just wait for someone to show up.
    Tuesday, February 7, 2012:
    • 1:42 PM: Showed up early this morning at the store to see if anyone ever came. Nothing as of yet. Lights were on inside, though.
    Sunday, February 12, 2012:
    • 11:12 AM: Outside the store again. Trying to look inconspicuous on the bench across the street. Not sure if I'm succeeding at that or not.
    • 12:21 PM: A truck just pulled up behind the building. No one's gotten out of it for a few minutes.
    • 12:39 PM: Some guy just got out of the truck and went in through the back of the store. Gonna go try and talk to him when he comes out.
    • 1:59 PM: Just asked him when the store will be open. He said it's in the process of closing down for good.
    • 1:59 PM: I also asked if it would ever be open again. He said it will, since they're trying to sell off their current inventory.
    • 2:32 PM: He just left. He had loaded up a few large boxes in the back of his truck. I guess he was some kind of delivery driver?
    • 2:52 PM: @SOREN2011 replies: @marblehornets Did you recognize the man at all?
    • 3:31 PM: Jay replies: @SOREN2011 No, I did not.
    • 3:14 PM: @ZamAfRocs replies: @marblehornets He didn't get a signature from the reciever? if thats the case then he made a misconduct, maybe should look HIM up.
    • 3:31 PM: Jay replies: .@ZamAfRocs He unlocked the back door himself, so he's probably an employee.
    Wednesday, February 15, 2012:
    • 1:39 PM: The guy in the truck showed up again outside the store a few minutes ago.
    • 1:50 PM: Going to go around to the back and ask him if he's seen Tim around, whenever he comes back out.
    • 3:08 PM: He hasn't seen Tim. Told me he's the delivery driver for the store, so he's rarely sitting behind the counter inside.
    • 3:47 PM: He just left. I didn't see him lock the back door though.
    • 4:00 PM: I don't see anyone else in there right now so I'm going inside.
    • 4:19 PM: Looking around.
    • 4:35 PM: Lots of paintings of wooded areas in here.
    • 4:51 PM: Found a pile of old cameras in one of the display cases.
    • 5:17 PM: @MrSkolVikes28 replies: @marblehornets Did you think to look on them/grab the film?
    • 5:23 PM: Jay replies: @MrSkolVikes28 All the display cases are locked.
    • 5:09 PM: One of the other display cases is full of dolls.
    • 5:25 PM: One of the rooms is nearly empty. Only a few paintings left. Maybe it's the room that guy was taking stuff out of?
    • 5:32 PM: One of the few left.
    • 5:40 PM: And this one. Looks similar to the other.
    • 5:46 PM: The person in the center has a weird face. It's just two circles and a nose. But the rest of the picture is so detailed.
    • 5:53 PM: Just heard the truck pull up behind the store. Hiding.
    • 6:09 PM: He's talking on his phone with someone. Said he's done with all the deliveries except for one.
    • 6:19 PM: He's wandering around the store looking for something, I think. I really hope it's not in this room.
    • 6:35 PM: He just went upstairs. Sounds like he's dragging something heavy across the floor. I'm taking a chance and getting out of here.
    • 6:42 PM: Made it back outside. I'm leaving before the guy comes back out and recognizes me.
    Wednesday, February 22, 2012:
    • 1:34 PM: Drove by the store today. They had hung up a "going out of business sale" sign, still closed though. Surely they'll be open this week?
    Tuesday, February 28, 2012:
    • 10:34 AM: Finally. Saw a sign at the store saying it will be open tomorrow afternoon.
    Wednesday, February 29, 2012:
    • 12:27 PM: About to head over to the store. Hopefully someone there can tell me about Tim.
    • 1:20 PM: There's a ton of people in here. Must be a hell of a sale.
    • 1:28 PM: None of these people are Tim, though.
    • 1:54 PM: There's no one up at the counter, either.
    • 2:32 PM: Think I found the owner, but she's busy.
    • 2:48 PM: Just asked her if she's seen Tim but she said she didn't know who I was talking about. Don't think she really heard me.
    • 3:41 PM: Lost her again. I'm just going to come back tomorrow when the sale is over.
    • 4:01 PM: The empty room I was in last time is just full of books now. Didn't see that weird painting anywhere either.

Season Three

Thursday, March 1, 2012:15
  • 1:14 PM: Back at the store. A lot less people here this time.
  • 3:46 PM: She remembered Tim. Told me he mentioned going to a doctor's office.
  • 5:27 PM: Found what I think is a mental health clinic a few blocks down from the store. It's closed right now though.
  • 5:35 PM: It has the hours posted, at least.
Friday, March 2, 2012:
  • 1:35 PM: Can't just walk into the clinic and ask about Tim. Not sure how to approach this.
  • 1:37 PM: @nickwilliams666 replies: @marblehornets Just tell them you're waiting for him and ask if they know when he'll be there?
  • 2:51 PM: Jay replies: @nickwilliams666 They probably wouldn't buy that, with doctor patient confidentiality and all.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012:
  • 5:10 PM: Just got back from waiting outside the clinic again. Still no sign of Tim.
Thursday, March 8, 2012:
  • 3:05 PM: Now that I think about it, I'm not sure what I'm going to say to Tim if he shows up here. I have no idea how he'll react to seeing me.
Wednesday, March 9, 2012:
  • 5:20 PM: Had my camera with me all week. Entry #53 will be uploaded tomorrow.
Saturday, March 10, 2012:
  • 7:07 PM: Entry #53:
Saturday, March 17, 2012:
  • 2:49 PM: No call from Tim yet. I assume he's still looking though.
Sunday, March 18, 2012:
  • 1:42 PM: ToTheArk responds. Wasn't expecting it so soon:
  • 1:43 PM: I never noticed anyone following me around while I was outside the store. Going to be looking over my shoulder whenever I'm out there now.
Thursday, March 22, 2012:
  • 2:52 PM: @Lost_Creature13 tweets: @marblehornets do you know when youll be posting another video?
  • 8:48 PM: Jay replies: @Lost_Creature13 Whenever I watch the tapes from Tim. Assuming there's something important on them.
  • 8:46 PM: Tim called today. Said he found his tapes. Getting them from him at some point tomorrow.
  • 8:50 PM: @daninjango replies: @marblehornets bring your cam just in case something happens while you get the tapes from Tim…
  • 9:19 PM: Jay replies: @daninjango I am. Meeting him in a public place, too. Just in case.
Friday, March 23, 2012:
  • 4:36 PM: Just got back from meeting Tim. Got a bag full of tapes. Again.
Sunday, March 25, 2012:
  • 7:42 PM: Uploading Entry #54 later tonight.
  • 11:39 PM: Entry #54:
  • 11:48 PM: @BCoxBox replies: @marblehornets Do you remember being on the set in this tape? You haven't in the past, so I was wondering if that held true in this case.
  • 11:58 PM: Jay replies: @BCoxBox I remember the night when it started raining, yeah. But as you saw, I left once we got back to Tim's apartment.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012:
  • 7:32 PM: According to "enttry 37", today is Alex's birthday.
  • 9:29 PM: ToTheArk responds:
  • 9:31 PM: @SwagBruceington replies: @marblehornets I ran the audio through a spectrograph.
  • 9:36 PM: Jay replies: @SwagBruceington Wow. I assume at least THAT part is directed towards Alex, then. Sounds incredibly threatening.
  • 9:31 PM: It's hard to tell who the video is directed towards. My guess would be Alex, considering the date. But that's just a guess.
  • 9:32 PM: @PretzelNU tweets: @marblehornets Are you at all scared that ToTheArk may hurt you to get to Alex?
  • 9:36 PM: Jay replies: @PretzelNU I have no doubts that he/she/they will try. Always on my guard.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012:
  • 12:04 AM: Entry #55:
Saturday, April 21, 2012:
  • 4:05 PM: Just called Tim to make sure he's still around. Don't want him disappearing after I'm through with his tapes.
Monday, April 23, 2012:
  • 3:42 PM: Down to the last couple of tapes of the ones that Tim gave me.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012:
  • 8:52 PM: Entry #56 will be uploaded later tonight.
  • 11:06 PM: Entry #56:
Saturday, May 5, 2012:
  • 11:18 PM: Just watched the last of Tim’s tapes. Entry #57 will be uploaded tomorrow.
Sunday, May 6, 2012:
  • 10:39 PM: Entry #57:
Monday, May 7, 2012:
  • 1:40 PM: @SOGTheReaper tweets: @marblehornets I don't think it's the best idea to go to that hospital... what do you expect to find? And isn't Tim a bit... untrustworthy?
Tuesday, May 8, 2012:
  • 5:45 PM: @SOGTheReaper I don't know where else to go, but I'm going to keep an eye on Tim while we're out there. Prepared for anything.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012:
  • 9:50 PM: totheark responds:
  • 9:59 PM: Meeting with Tim tomorrow to ask if he can show me the abandoned hospital from the previous entries.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012:
  • 1:14 PM: Leaving now to meet with Tim during his break from work.
  • 2:17 PM: Back from meeting with Tim. We're going out to the abandoned hospital this Friday. Still acting like I want to finish Alex's movie.
  • 2:24 PM: @HeylookitsmexD tweets: @marblehornets why don't you just tell him?
  • 2:28 PM: Jay replies: @HeylookitsmexD Because he seems to be acting normal now. I don't want to mess with that since it's helping me out.
  • 2:31 PM: @jtsunshineevans tweets: @marblehornets I'd carry something. Like a knife.
  • 2:39 PM: Jay replies: @jtsunshineevans I am, just in case.
Sunday, May 20, 2012:
  • 12:45 PM: To those asking, I'm okay. Just been feeling very sick since getting back from that place.
Monday, May 21, 2012:
  • 10:26 PM: Entry #58:
Tuesday, May 22, 2012:
  • 4:24 PM: Thinking of telling Tim about what's really going on. Maybe it'll get him on my side. Maybe it'll just really piss him off.
Thursday, June 7, 2012:
  • 9:02 PM: Still no word from Tim, hoping he hasn't disappeared again for whatever reason.
Monday, June 11, 2012:
  • 1:00 PM: Decided I'm going to come clean with Tim the next time I see him. Don't have much to lose.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012:
  • 8:08 PM: Tim just called, he wants to meet with me later tonight and "talk about something important".
Thursday, June 14, 2012:
  • 4:48 PM: Entry #59 will be uploaded today.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012:
  • 8:08 PM: Going back to the abandoned hospital soon. Wish I wouldn't be doing it alone.
Monday, June 25, 2012:
  • 2:29 PM: I'm fine, for those asking. Going back to the hospital Wednesday.
  • 2:50 PM: Of course I'm bringing a flashlight this time.
  • 3:06 PM: @kisraels1028 replies: @marblehornets why not bring a person?
  • 3:36 PM: Jay replies: @kisraels1028 I have no one.
Saturday, June 30, 2012:
  • 10:23 PM: Entry #60:
Friday, July 6, 2012:
  • 2:35 PM: Going to look at all these documents. I'll shoot any important things I find on them and upload it as Entry #60.5
Friday, July 13, 2012:
  • 4:09 PM: Changing my location because I'm getting paranoid again. Posting Entry #60.5 tomorrow afternoon.
  • 4:09 PM: @DoktorAgon replies: @marblehornets Can't wait. Was there something interesting in those papers?
  • 4:22 PM: Jay replies: @DoktorAgon Yeah, a few things.
Monday, July 30, 2012:
  • 5:57 PM: x
Thursday, August 2, 2012:
  • 1:46 PM: 0
Friday, August 3, 2012:
  • 2:08 PM: do you hear th under
  • 10:01 PM: look outside when the lightning flashes
Sunday, August 5, 2012:
  • 3:34 AM: you will not see me but I will see you
Wednesday, August 8, 2012:
  • 8:03 PM: the clouds are dark tonight
  • 10:06 PM: this is for you
  • 11:04 PM: It's Jay. Finally got this account back. The password had been changed up until now.
  • 11:05 PM: It should go without saying, but I didn't upload "entry" to the youtube channel.
  • 11:10 PM: I have to find Tim.
  • 11:17 PM: Entry #61:
  • 11:19 PM: Leaving now.
  • 11:32 PM:
  • 11:42 PM:
Thursday, August 9, 2012:
  • 12:06 AM: Don't want to give away where I am. No more tweets for now.
Saturday, September 1, 2012:
  • 12:20 AM: entry #62
Tuesday, September 4, 2012:
  • 3:09 PM: Tim and I are both okay. I'm pretty sure he's going to help me now.
Monday, September 24, 2012:
  • 2:42 PM: Finally got a call from Tim. Meeting him tonight.
  • 2:45 PM: @ALEJANDROESTRA1 replies: @marblehornets where
  • 2:49 PM: Jay replies: @ALEJANDROESTRA1 Downtown area. Near the antique store I saw him leaving months ago.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012:
  • 11:12 PM: Entry #63:
Thursday, October 4, 2012:
  • 6:38 PM: Going back to Rosswood with Tim on Sunday.
Sunday, October 13, 2012:
  • 8:44 PM: Entry #64:
Wednesday, October 31, 2012:
  • 1:24 PM: I'm late on it, but ToTheArk updated a few days ago:
  • 1:25 PM: Still no word from Tim. I'm trying to work up the courage to go back to Rosswood to find him, but could he even still be there?
Sunday, November 18, 2012:
  • 2:43 PM: Uploading Entry #65 tomorrow.
Monday, November 19, 2012:
  • 9:55 PM: Entry #65:
Thursday, December 20, 2012:
  • 8:22 PM: Tim has been working constantly ever since Entry #65. Told me it's to get some money saved up. I think he's considering quitting his job.
Friday, December 21, 2012:
  • 2:51 AM: @veroreos replies: @marblehornets Holy shit, where does Tim even work? He bounces around jobs a lot right?
  • 7:04 PM: Jay replies: @veroreos He's been working at the same place since I found him, I believe.
  • 3:57 PM: @SDK_Films replies: @marblehornets Can you blame him?
  • 7:03 PM: Jay replies: @SDK_Films No, not at all.
Saturday, December 29, 2012:
  • 12:09 AM: Dozed off earlier and had a really horrible nightmare. I can't remember what happened in it. At all. Can't sleep now.
Monday, December 31, 2012:
  • 4:05 PM: New ToTheArk video.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013:
  • 4:41 PM: Was just linked this. Looks like that shot of Jessica in the latest ToTheArk was taken from previous footage of mine.
  • 4:47 PM: Whoever ToTheArk is, they don't have original footage of Jessica. Not that they've shown so far. Maybe they don't know where she is either?
Friday, January 4, 2013:
  • 6:44 PM: Still can't figure out the numbers at the end of the latest ToTheArk video. It's driving me crazy.
Saturday, January 5, 2013:
  • 1:07 AM: Still working on it. There's an even amount of numbers in each set, and a few number pairs repeat. Maybe a pair corresponds to a letter?
  • 2:24 PM: If a pair equals one letter, there's 26 letters in total. But there's only 9 unique numbers. Could each number have multiple letters?
  • 4:03 PM: Seems unlikely that all 26 letters of the alphabet are used, too. Just need to figure out which ones could be missing...
  • 7:18 PM: Two of the pairs are mirrors and are grouped together twice. 27-72 and 57-75. Not sure what that could mean yet though. Common letters?
Sunday, January 6, 2013:
  • 3:06 PM: Just noticed a few of these numbers have a pattern. First digit plus two. 13, 24, 57, 68, 79 all follow it.
  • 4:47 PM: Maybe 75 and 72 don't follow the pattern. They're just a mirrored version of the ones that do?
  • 4:51 PM: Sorry, only meant 57 with the previous tweet. 72 doesn't follow that pattern, even when reversed.
  • 4:54 PM: I'm getting confused. Taking a break from this for a few hours. Tim let me know he's working on it too so hopefully he'll get something.
Monday, January 7, 2013:
  • 3:53 AM: 9513390313793583953179
  • 1:20 PM: It should go without saying that I'm not the one that did the last tweet.
  • 1:46 PM: If that new string of numbers follows the same rules as the others, it adds a few new pairs to work with.
  • 4:00 PM: 13, 24, 35, 57, 68, 79 all follow the pattern I noticed earlier. 03 doesn't. Could there be a point where the first number starts from zero?
  • 5:52 PM: A couple of number pairs follow another pattern, I think. The second number increases by two. 83-95 and 27-39.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013:
  • 10:57 AM: Still no progress on this code. Tim suggested that there might be an order the numbers are supposed to go in before it can be deciphered.
Thursday, January 10, 2013:
  • 6:35 PM: Adding in an unused number (46), I've found what might be a complete pattern: 13, 24, 35, 46, 57, 68, and 79.
  • 6:55 PM: 83 could come after 79, too. The pattern started off with 3 as the second digit. 95 might come after that too.
  • 7:44 PM: Judging by the 83-95 and 27-39 pattern, what comes after 03 could be 15. Second number plus two.
  • 8:39 PM: All that being said, the full order I've figured out is 13, 24, 35, 46, 57, 68, 79, 83, 95, 03, 15, 27, 39.
Friday, January 11, 2013:
  • 4:05 PM: So that's 13 number pairs, with the reversed ones left over. 26 letters in the alphabet. Each number must have two letters for it.
  • 4:08 PM: The reversed numbers only have one letter for them, along with the number they're reversing.
  • 4:09 PM: So finally, that translates to "truly your fault" and "she's out there" for the ToTheArk video. And "I am watching" for the tweet.
  • 4:14 PM: Who is "she", exactly? Jessica? Does ToTheArk know where she is?
  • 8:35 PM: Tim is finally finished working. We're going to the abandoned hospital sometime this weekend.
Sunday, January 20, 2013:
  • 1:55 PM: It ended up storming for a few days straight when we were going to the hospital. Tim had a doctor appointment today so we're going tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013:
  • 7:02 PM: Entry #66:
Monday, January 28, 2013:
  • 3:19 PM: Great. The tape I found must've been laying in that spot for a while. There's dirt in it and it's not playing at all.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013:
  • 10:54 PM: I've got the first few minutes of the tape playing now.
Thursday, February 14, 2013:
  • 2:47 PM: Still trying to get the rest of the tape to work. I'll upload whatever I get from it sometime tomorrow.
Saturday, February 16, 2013:
  • 12:02 AM: Entry #67:
Friday, February 22, 2013:
  • 9:14 PM: I've hardly slept at all since seeing the footage from that tape. Alex is somewhere around here.
Thursday, February 28, 2013:
  • 2:38 AM: Dozed off a little while ago and had a really vivid nightmare that Alex found out where I am.
  • 2:41 AM: His eyes were missing, and he constantly made these awful, high pitched screams inches from my ear.
  • 2:43 AM: I really need to get out of this place.
Saturday, March 2, 2013:
  • 5:35 PM: Entry #67.5:
Tuesday, March 14, 2013:
  • 8:16 PM: Entry #68:
Saturday, March 30, 2013:
  • 3:57 PM: For those asking, Tim and I are still here.
Thursday, April 4, 2013:
  • 11:29 PM: ToTheArk updates:
Friday, April 12, 2013:
  • 5:03 PM: Found something while looking around with Tim. Uploading Entry #69 at some point today.
  • 7:38 PM: Entry #69:
Sunday, April 21, 2013:
  • 3:11 PM: Got one of these tapes working, I think.
Sunday, April 28, 2013:
  • 7:18 PM: Got one of the tapes working. Uploading Entry #70 tonight.
  • 9:19 PM: Entry #70:
Monday, May 6, 2013:
  • 12:33 PM: I think I can get at least one more of these tapes to play. Working on it.
Thursday, May 14, 2013:
  • 8:18 PM: Uploading Entry #71 at some point tonight.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013:
  • 4:35 PM: For those of you asking, I'm still here. Tim and I have been busy looking for something and I think we finally found where it is.
Friday, June 7, 2013:
  • 3:39 PM: Found what we were looking for. Driving there soon.
  • 10:28 PM: 65543790887650000000000000
Saturday, June 8, 2013:
  • 11:41 PM: uploading entry 72 tomorow night
Sunday, June 9, 2013:
  • 10:34 PM: Entry #72:
Monday, July 1, 2013:
  • 10:26 PM: This is Tim. Jay gave me the password for this in case I ever need it. He's been kind of out of it since we got away from that house.
Thursday, July 18, 2013:
  • 6:15 PM: Just noticed that this was uploaded to the channel. Should go without saying that Jay and I had nothing to do with it
Saturday, August 3, 2013:
  • 7:01 PM: Entry #74:
Friday, August 23, 2013:
  • 7:45 PM: Entry #75:
Wednesday, September 3, 2013:
  • 7:03 PM: I haven't watched the tape yet, I'm going to soon.
  • 7:06 PM: I can't help but think, what if Tim WAS hiding it for a reason and I'm beter off not watching it? Or was he just lying to cover for himself
Thursday, September 12, 2013:
  • 7:25 AM: Just watched the tape. Things aren't good right now. Need sleep. Uploading entry 76 later tonight.
Sunday, October 13, 2013:
  • 9:07 PM: Tim, if you can see this, we need to talk.
  • 6:46 PM: @thedaddysbean replies: Is everything okay? Is he answering his phone or did you try?
  • 6:47 PM: Jay replies: @thedaddysbean Didn't answer.
Wednesday December 3, 2013
  • 10:07 PM: SG93IGRvIGhhbmRzIHRhbGs=
    • TRANSLATE: How do hands talk
  • 10:44 PM: ZFo4MGJJVUVNeVE
    • TRANSLATE: Decoded text is a YouTube ID, linking to a video of someone typing on a keyboard.
Wednesday December 11, 2013
  • 2:31 PM: Entry #80:
Thursday January 9, 2014
  • 5:42 PM: Entry #81:
Thursday February 6, 2014
  • 8:31 PM: entry #82::
Thursday March 6, 2014
  • 9:12 PM: Entry #83:
Wednesday, April 2, 2014:
  • 8:50 PM: Entry #84:
Tuesday May 13, 2014
  • 6:41 PM: Still no sign of Alex
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
  • 9:24 PM: Entry #85:
Sunday, June 15, 2014
  • 10:44 PM:
Thurdsday, June 26, 2014
  • 2:08 PM: Entry #87: