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Collected Commentary

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The final frontier is actually pretty good star trek content considering it's borderline slapstick comedy for an hour straight then it hits you with a horribly gutwrenching McCoy scene out of nowhere and then Spock blows up god with a torpedo. Average trek experience

-- @m0rbs

McCoy tells people he loves them by bullying them and if that's not undiagnosed autism, then I don't know what is. He also constantly fidgets with things. The tri-corder, his medical scanner, any rock, gadget, or paperclip he can find. And he does it the most when he's trying to think or calm himself down. When he's not fidgeting, he puts his hands away behind his back, generally in the company of strangers and higher-ups who might see his fidgeting as distracting or weird. And he's grumpy. He doesn't like having his routine disrupted (autistic), he probably doesn't like certain textures or sounds. He makes snap judgements about people and chooses whether to trust them based on a gut feeling. Captain James Kirk was his first real friend because Kirk didn't ever judge him for being cranky all the time and he let him talk about his special interests (medicine, history, and psychology) and about his various hyperfixations through the years. I bet McCoy was bullied a lot as a kid and tried to hide his feelings about it until adulthood, and that's part of why he's so hard on Spock for repressing his human side. He's still learning to regulate his own emotions and has to constantly remind himself not to yell at his superiors just because they're endagering human lives. He's passionate and it comes out in shouting at Jim that's he's a doctor, damnit.

-- @abnormalcleric

see heres the thing vulcans are space jews but spock is a space jew and a regular jew but he decided to have a brush with death in the desert instead of a bar mitzvah cuz he was going thru it and worf is a regular jew and you cant see his bar mitzvah photos because he thinks theyre embarrassing

-- @raisinchallah